Report 1 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the NCREC. Some winter crops are in across the state. With our above normal warm temps this winter, James tells us what difference this can make. He also explains how to monitor it as a producer.

Report 2 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the NCREC. James tells us they've been getting a lot of questions on what forages to plant this year. He gives some suggestions and some advice on hay this year.

Report 3 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rodgers, from the NCREC. It's been a good/dry winter for us across the region. The downside to that is lack of soil moisture. James shares his concerns and explains the effect on spring grazing.

Report 4 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rodgers, from the NCREC. NDSU has released some new info on "grazing readiness." James tells us more about it and how it is only part of the equation.

Report 5 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the NCREC. Some kochia is now resistant to group 14 herbicides. Brian tells us what we know about spring burn-down products, and talks about soil residual products.

Report 6 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the NCREC. In this report, Brian tells us how you can test for kochia resistance and that there are some new techniques for testing this in the future.

Report 7 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the NCREC. Today we're talking about using Metribuzin to help control kochia. Brian starts with soybeans and moves onto its uses with peas and lentils as well.

Report 8 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the NCREC. In this report, we discuss adjuvants used with spring burndown herbicides. Brian tells us more about this and how to monitor it.

Report 9 - Our guest is NDSU Research Agronomist, Leo Bortolon, from the NCREC. Seed is going in the ground by farmers. We talk air seeders in this report. Leo gives suggestions on maintaining and calibrating this equipment.

Report 10 - Our guest is NDSU Research Agronomist, Leo Bortolon, from the NCREC. We talk seeding again in this report as we switch gears to planters. Leo tells us more on monitoring and calibrating planters.

Report 11 - Our guest is NDSU Research Agronomist, Leo Bortolon, from the NCREC. We're talking low soil PH in this report. Leo tells us what this means, how it happens, and shares how to screen for this.

Report 12 - Our guest is NDSU Research Agronomist, Leo Bortolon, from the NCREC. We talk nitrogen management in the spring in this report. Leo also tells us how we can protect nitrogen in the soil and environment.

Report 13 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the NCREC. We talk alfalfa in this report. The alfalfa weevil could be problematic this year. Scouting will be key. James tells us more. We also discuss how alfalfa establishment is important.

Report 14 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the NCREC. Forage production is key for farmers/ranchers out there. James gives us an indication of what it might look like this year. Stocking rates and rotations are also key. James tells us more.

Report 15 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the NCREC. Hay production will be key for a lot of growers again this year. James gives some advice. He also tells us of some new hay equipment on the horizon.

Report 16 - Our guest is NDSU Livestock Management Extension Specialist, Lacy Quail, from the NCREC. Lacy tells us more about herself and her role at the NCREC. She also discusses her PhD research.

Report 17 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers. As we get into the midst of spring's work, farm safety becomes an even bigger issue. James tells us farmers getting in a hurry with a ton on their plate doesn't help any.

Report 18 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers. We continue our talk on farm safety this week. James tells us there are farm safety camps across the state coming up. He gives us details about this and how to sign up for next year's events.

Report 19 - Our guest is Mountrail County Ag Agent, Jim Hennessey. We're on the back end of spring's work across the region. As we look ahead, kochia looks to be the biggest problem again. Jim tells us more. He also discusses options to control it.

Report 20 - Our guest is Mountrail County Ag Agent, Jim Hennessey. A lot of farmers and ranchers are soon looking to turn cattle out to be grazed. Jim updates us on the shape of pasture land across the region. He also talks about various grazing methods.

Report 21 - Our guest is Mountrail County Ag Agent, Jim Hennessey. The upcoming farm bill is always a popular topic for discussion. Jim gives us some insight on what he expects with the new one coming later this year. He also tells us that food security is always the number one priority.

Report 22 - Our guest is Mountrail County Ag Agent, Jim Hennessey. We talk technology in this report. Jim tells us of the latest innovations that will be coming as soon as next year. He also tells us about a big development in the use of honey bees.

Report 23 - Our guest is Extension Soil Health Specialist, Chandler Gruener in Minot. Chandler is new to this position, upon getting his PHd. We talk to him about his background and research. This insight will give farmers a look at what he can offer them down the road.

Report 24 - Our guest is Extension Soil Health Specialist, Naeem Kalwar in Langdon. We talk key soil issues across the state in this report. Naeem also discusses how to reduce soil erosion.

Report 25 - Our guest is Soil Health Specialist, Naeem Kalwar from the Langdon NDSU Extension office. We talk soil salinity and sodicity in this report. Naeem explains them and why they are issues. We also discuss solutions to these problems.

Report 26 - Our guest is Soil Health Specialist, Chandler Gruner from the North Central Research Extension Center.We discuss plow pans in this report. Chandler tells us why this is crucial in soil health. He also discusses how to identify it.

Report 27 - Our guest is District Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Mark Crosby. Mark explains to us what rotational grazing is and also tells us how to get more information on the process.

Report 28 - Our guest is District Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Mark Crosby. Efficiency is key and Mark tells us how rotational grazing can make a ranch more efficient. He also goes into the benefits for a ranching family this brings about.

Report 29 - Our guest is Powers Lake area rancher, Dustin Roise, who recently hosted a "Rotational Grazing" Workshop. Dustin tells us he's been practicing this grazing technique for the past six years and discusses how he got into it. He also discusses quality of life for the rancher.

Report 30 - Our guest is Alexander area rancher Jed Rider. Jed is a 17 year veteran of rotational grazing. Jed tells us there are several health benefits to this practice; including soil and human health.

Report 31 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the North Central Research Extension Center. James tells us they're getting a lot of calls regarding hay harvest. He tells us it's a mixed bag right now and shares some positives with us.

Report 32 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the North Central Research Extension Center. We continue our discussion on hay harvest. James shares some negative aspects right now. He also tells us if we should start looking at preservatives.

Report 33 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the North Central Research Extension Center. A pressing topic this time of year is hay production. James tells us ways to get hay to dry faster and gives some suggestions on preservatives.

Report 34 - Our guest is NDSU Forage Specialist, James Rogers, from the North Central Research Extension Center. There has been a lot of rain in some areas across the region. James gives some suggestions for when we get too much moisture.

Report 35 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the North Central Research Extension Center. We talk what Brian has been seeing in the field with herbicides and broadleaf crops. We also discuss how effective grass herbicides have been in wheat.

Report 36 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Brian Jenks, from the North Central Research Extension Center. We talk lentils in this report. Brian discusses a new post-emergence herbicide, but tells us there is some confusion on using it properly. He also updates us on kochia and control of it.

Report 37 - Our guest is NDSU Soybean Pathology Specialist, Wade Webster, out of Fargo. We talk white mold in this report. Wade describes it and tells us where it originates and what it looks like. He also tells us when we can anticipate it.

Report 38 - Our guest is NDSU Soybean Pathology Specialist, Wade Webster, out of Fargo. We talk white mold in this report. This is something growers need to address before they see it. Wade tells us more. He also goes into application, including products and equipment.

Report 39 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Joe Ikley, out of Fargo. We talk weeds and soybeans in this report. Joe discusses how the weather has affected the residuals. He also gives us a crop injury update.

Report 40 - Our guest is NDSU Weed Specialist, Joe Ikley, out of Fargo. We talk the weed of the year, kochia, in this report. Joe discusses how control of it has been so far this year, and if it's on pace to be the weed of the year again. He also tells us of a new resistance testing program in place.